Hospital Transition of Care

Patient with Hospital Transition of Care Coordinator

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Take the Call

You may be visited in the hospital or receive a call from a CareFirst nurse who will help you plan for your recovery after you leave the hospital.

When you are admitted to the hospital, your focus should be to get better. That’s why CareFirst offers a program to help you on the road to recovery. A Hospital Transition of Care (HTC) Coordinator is a registered nurse who helps improve communication between you, your doctors and other caregivers.

Hospital Transition of Care Coordinator

A Hospital Transition of Care Coordinator may visit you while you are in the hospital to ensure you have the support you need. An HTC Coordinator:

  • Offers you support and guidance
  • Connects you with services and programs that can help with your recovery such as physical therapy or home nursing
  • Helps minimize or eliminate the need for future emergency room visits and hospitalizations
  • Assists you in understanding your medications including possible side effects